Guide for Exemption Application under the Agreement between Korea and Uruguay
How to be exempted from Uruguayan Pension Contributions
- If you are mandatorily covered by the Korean legislation and detached to Uruguay for temporary work (or self-employment), you can be exempt from Uruguayan pension contributions, provided that you obtain "a Certificate of Coverage under the Social Security Agreement" from the National Pension Service of Korea.
- 1. A Request for a Korean Certificate of Coverage
- - If you are an employee, your employer in Korea must request a Korean Certificate of Coverage.
- - If you are self-employed, you yourself must request a Korean Certificate of Coverage.
- (1) Who requires a Korean Certificate of Coverage?
- ① An employee who is sent to work in Uruguay for a certain period of time (no more than 5 years) by an employer in Korea.
- ② A person who is employed or self-employed in both contracting parties and ordinarily resides in Korea.
- ③ A person who is employed in one contracting party and is self-employed in the other contracting party. (Ordinarily reside in Korea)
- (2) How to request a Korean Certificate of Coverage?
- ① The employer must request a Korean Certificate of Coverage by visiting the National Pension Service of Korea with the required documents or sending the required documents to the National Pension Service of Korea by EDI, mail or fax.
- ② National Pension Service, Center for International Affairs, 6th Floor, Kukmin-Yeonkum Building, 180, Giji-Ro, Deokjin-Gu, Jeonju-Si, JEONBUK STATE, 54870, Korea
- Fax (063)900-3404
- (3) Required Documents
- ① When you request the Certificate, you must submit an "Application for Certificate of Coverage under the Social Security Agreement" and documents to confirm the employee's detachment such as a detachment order.
- ② An "Application for Certificate of Coverage under the Social Security Agreement" form is available on our web-site -> Social Security Agreement -> Forms. You can also obtain this document by contacting NPS.
- 2. Submission of the Certificate of Coverage to the Uruguayan Competent Institution.
- An employer who is responsible for paying pension contributions is exempt from paying pension contributions for the period specified on a Korean Certificate of Coverage under the Agreement on Social Security by submitting the Certificate to the Uruguayan Pension Insurance Institute.
- If a contributor has already paid contributions for the previous exemption period, within a certain period, he/she is able to request a refund according to the internal procedure. However, in some cases, there could be limitations on the period regarding retroactive exemptions, so we recommend that you request the exemption in time.
How to be exempted from the Korean National Pension Scheme
If you are mandatorily covered by the Uruguayan pension system and temporarily work(or are self-employed) in Korea, you can be exempted from the Korean National Pension Scheme, provided that you get "a Certificate of Coverage under the Social Security Agreement" from a Competent Institution in Uruguay and submit it to the Korean National Pension Service.
- 1. A Request for a Uruguayan Certificate of Coverage
- - If you are an employee, your employer in Uruguay must request a Uruguayan certificate of coverage.
- - If you are self-employed, you must personally request a Uruguayan certificate of coverage.
- (1) Who requires a Uruguayan Certificate of Coverage?
- ① An employee who is sent to work in Korea for a certain period of time (no more than 5 years) by an employer in Uruguay.
- ② A person who is employed or self-employed in both contracting parties and ordinarily resides in Uruguay.
- ③ A person who is employed in one contracting party and is self-employed in the other contracting party. (Ordinarily reside in Uruguay)
- (2) How to request a Uruguayan Certificate of Coverage?
- - You must request a Certificate of Coverage by contacting the Uruguayan Competent Institution with the required documents according to its internal regulations.
- (3) Competent Institution of Certificate of Coverage Issuance in Uruguay
- - Uruguayan Pension Insurance Institute (www.bps.gub.uy)
- 2. Submission of the Certificate of Coverage to the Korean National Pension Service
- ① The following must be submitted by your employer if you are an employee or by you personally if you are self-employed; an "application of exemption" as well as an original copy of "Uruguayan Certificate of Coverage under the Social Security Agreement", and a copy of your identification to the Center for International Affairs or the regional office by visiting or by sending a registered letter (Because an original copy must be submitted, a facsimile will not be accepted).
- ② If you submit a "Uruguayan Certificate of Coverage under the Social Security Agreement", you are exempt from Coverage under the Korean legislation for the period shown on the same Certificate. If you have already paid contributions before you submit your Certificate, the amount of the contributions already paid can be transferred to your due contributions or refunded.
- ※ Information here on our web-site is a general guide. You can get more information about the exemption of coverage from the Center for International Affairs of the NPS (☎063-713-7101).